Industry Rankings


Rank Name PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Micrometers
1078 Big Trout Diesel Generating Station - Hydro One Remote Communities Inc. 1.28
1078 Industries John Lewis Ltée - Industries John Lewis Ltée. 1.28
1078 Hardisty Pipeline Terminal - Cenovus Energy Inc. 1.28
1078 Meunerie St-Narcisse - Avantis coopérative 1.28
1078 Toronto Brewery - Molson Coors Canada 1.28
1086 Reno Gas Battery 10-22-079-20W5 - Baytex Energy Ltd 1.27
1086 Eagle River Mine Site - Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd. 1.27
1086 General Dynamics Land Systems Canada London - General Dynamics Land Systems Canada 1.27
1086 Ottawa Quarry - West Carleton Sand & Gravel Inc. 1.27
1090 Wildboy Sour Gas Plant D-075-A - Erikson National Energy Inc 1.25
... ...
Rank Name Province City PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Micrometers
1078 Big Trout Diesel Generating Station - Hydro One Remote Communities Inc. Ontario Big Trout Lake 1.28
1078 Industries John Lewis Ltée - Industries John Lewis Ltée. Quebec La Tuque 1.28
1078 Hardisty Pipeline Terminal - Cenovus Energy Inc. Alberta Wainwright 1.28
1078 Meunerie St-Narcisse - Avantis coopérative Quebec Saint-Narcisse-de-Beaurivage 1.28
1078 Toronto Brewery - Molson Coors Canada Ontario Toronto 1.28
1086 Reno Gas Battery 10-22-079-20W5 - Baytex Energy Ltd Alberta Donnelly 1.27
1086 Eagle River Mine Site - Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd. Ontario Wawa 1.27
1086 General Dynamics Land Systems Canada London - General Dynamics Land Systems Canada Ontario London 1.27
1086 Ottawa Quarry - West Carleton Sand & Gravel Inc. Ontario Ottawa 1.27
1090 Wildboy Sour Gas Plant D-075-A - Erikson National Energy Inc British Columbia Fort Nelson 1.25
... ...

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