Industry Rankings


Rank Name PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Micrometers
1107 SKBTB4M3629 - Vermilion Energy Inc. 1.21
1112 Brazeau West FST - Secure Energy Services Inc. 1.20
1112 Portlands Energy Centre - Portlands Energy Centre LP 1.20
1112 iLevel by Weyerhaeuser Vancouver Plant - Weyerhaeuser Company Limited 1.20
1112 Stirling - Richardson Pioneer Ltd. 1.20
1116 Wapekeka Diesel Generating Station - Hydro One Remote Communities Inc. 1.19
1116 Moncton - Trouw Nutrition 1.19
1116 Niagara PVC Plant - Oxy Vinyls Canada Co. 1.19
1116 CAM-SLIDE WEST - Magna Seating Inc. 1.19
1116 Meridian Brick - Burlington - Meridian Brick 1.19
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Rank Name Province City PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Micrometers
1107 SKBTB4M3629 - Vermilion Energy Inc. Saskatchewan Viewfield 1.21
1112 Brazeau West FST - Secure Energy Services Inc. Alberta Brazeau 1.20
1112 Portlands Energy Centre - Portlands Energy Centre LP Ontario Toronto 1.20
1112 iLevel by Weyerhaeuser Vancouver Plant - Weyerhaeuser Company Limited British Columbia Delta 1.20
1112 Stirling - Richardson Pioneer Ltd. Alberta Stirling 1.20
1116 Wapekeka Diesel Generating Station - Hydro One Remote Communities Inc. Ontario Wepekeka 1.19
1116 Moncton - Trouw Nutrition New Brunswick Moncton 1.19
1116 Niagara PVC Plant - Oxy Vinyls Canada Co. Ontario Thorold 1.19
1116 CAM-SLIDE WEST - Magna Seating Inc. Ontario Newmarket 1.19
1116 Meridian Brick - Burlington - Meridian Brick Ontario Burlington 1.19
... ...

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