Industry Rankings


Rank Name PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Micrometers
1155 St Hyacinthe - Trouw Nutrition 1.09
1155 Mont-Laurier - Saputo Produits Laitiers Canada s.e.n.c. 1.09
1155 Hamilton - Richardson International Ltd. 1.09
1164 WEST PARIS AGG SITE - Lafarge Canada Inc. - EAST 1.08
1164 Masterfeeds Taber - Masterfeeds Inc. 1.08
1164 Canadian Electrocoating Ltd & Prince Metal Products Ltd. - The NARMCO Group 1.08
1164 Main Plant - The Raywal Limited Partnership 1.08
1168 Shell Canada Limited CS 12-28 - Canlin Energy Corporation 1.07
1168 P & H Milling Group - Hanover - P & H Milling Group a Division of Parrish & Heimbecker Limited 1.07
1168 Centrale de Quaqtaq - Hydro-Québec 1.07
... ...
Rank Name Province City PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Micrometers
1155 St Hyacinthe - Trouw Nutrition Quebec Saint-Hyacinthe 1.09
1155 Mont-Laurier - Saputo Produits Laitiers Canada s.e.n.c. Quebec Mont-Laurier 1.09
1155 Hamilton - Richardson International Ltd. Ontario Hamilton 1.09
1164 WEST PARIS AGG SITE - Lafarge Canada Inc. - EAST Ontario Paris 1.08
1164 Masterfeeds Taber - Masterfeeds Inc. Alberta Taber 1.08
1164 Canadian Electrocoating Ltd & Prince Metal Products Ltd. - The NARMCO Group Ontario Windsor 1.08
1164 Main Plant - The Raywal Limited Partnership Ontario Thornhill 1.08
1168 Shell Canada Limited CS 12-28 - Canlin Energy Corporation Alberta Kananaskis 1.07
1168 P & H Milling Group - Hanover - P & H Milling Group a Division of Parrish & Heimbecker Limited Ontario Hanover 1.07
1168 Centrale de Quaqtaq - Hydro-Québec Quebec Quaqtaq 1.07
... ...

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