Industry Rankings


Rank Name PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Micrometers
1371 Esther Sweet Gas Plant 13-19 - Obsidian Energy Ltd. 0.67
1371 Marten Falls Diesel Generating Station - Hydro One Remote Communities Inc. 0.67
1371 BarretteBois - Roberval - BarretteBois inc 0.67
1371 Sussex Sawmill - J.D. Irving Ltd. 0.67
1371 Stoney Creek Plant - Lafarge Canada Inc. - EAST 0.67
1371 Fort Good Hope Plant - NWT Power Corp 0.67
1371 Bellshill-03-33-041-12 W4M - HARVEST OPERATIONS CORP. 0.67
1371 CAM-SLIDE EAST - Magna Seating Inc. 0.67
1380 Pancdn Wilson Creek #2 - Bonavista Energy Corporation 0.66
... ...
Rank Name Province City PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Micrometers
1371 Esther Sweet Gas Plant 13-19 - Obsidian Energy Ltd. Alberta Esther 0.67
1371 Marten Falls Diesel Generating Station - Hydro One Remote Communities Inc. Ontario Ogoki Post 0.67
1371 BarretteBois - Roberval - BarretteBois inc Quebec Roberval 0.67
1371 Sussex Sawmill - J.D. Irving Ltd. New Brunswick Sussex 0.67
1371 Stoney Creek Plant - Lafarge Canada Inc. - EAST Ontario Stoney Creek 0.67
1371 Fort Good Hope Plant - NWT Power Corp The Northwest Territories Fort Good Hope 0.67
1371 Bellshill-03-33-041-12 W4M - HARVEST OPERATIONS CORP. Alberta Galahad 0.67
1371 CAM-SLIDE EAST - Magna Seating Inc. Ontario Newmarket 0.67
1371 5 Wing Goose Bay - DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE Newfoundland and Labrador Goose Bay 0.67
1380 Pancdn Wilson Creek #2 - Bonavista Energy Corporation Alberta WILSONCR 0.66
... ...

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