Industry Rankings


Rank Name PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Micrometers
1394 Grizzly North Comp Stn A-074-G - Canadian Natural Resources Limited 0.64
1402 Pengrowth Mcleod 16-12 - Pine Cliff Energy Ltd. 0.63
1402 Verendrye Battery 04-14 - ISH Energy Ltd. 0.63
1402 Road 53 Leckie Lake 16-24 - Road 53 Resources Inc 0.63
1402 Burlington Quarry - NELSON AGGREGATE 0.63
1402 Richmond Hill - Gamma Foundries Inc. 0.63
1402 Safran Systèmes d'Atterrissage - Safran Systèmes d'Atterrissage 0.63
1402 Kingston Works - Novelis Inc. 0.63
1402 Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant - City of Toronto 0.63
1402 MIKWAN Sweet Gas Plant 09-16-037-22W4 - Vermilion Energy Inc. 0.63
... ...
Rank Name Province City PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Micrometers
1394 Grizzly North Comp Stn A-074-G - Canadian Natural Resources Limited British Columbia Tumbler Ridge 0.64
1402 Pengrowth Mcleod 16-12 - Pine Cliff Energy Ltd. Alberta Haddock 0.63
1402 Verendrye Battery 04-14 - ISH Energy Ltd. Saskatchewan South West 0.63
1402 Road 53 Leckie Lake 16-24 - Road 53 Resources Inc Alberta Newell County 0.63
1402 Burlington Quarry - NELSON AGGREGATE Ontario Burlington 0.63
1402 Richmond Hill - Gamma Foundries Inc. Ontario Richmond Hill 0.63
1402 Safran Systèmes d'Atterrissage - Safran Systèmes d'Atterrissage Quebec Mirabel 0.63
1402 Kingston Works - Novelis Inc. Ontario Kingston 0.63
1402 Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant - City of Toronto Ontario Toronto 0.63
1402 MIKWAN Sweet Gas Plant 09-16-037-22W4 - Vermilion Energy Inc. Alberta Delburne 0.63
... ...

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