Industry Rankings


Rank Name PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Micrometers
1504 Lafarge Canada, Inc., GVA Aggregates, Earle Creek Pit - Lafarge Canada Inc. - WEST 0.51
1504 06-13-044-18 W4 Kelsey Gas Plant - Ember Resources Inc. 0.51
1513 P & H Milling Group - Lethbridge - P & H Milling Group a Division of Parrish & Heimbecker Limited 0.50
1513 Fort Smith Plant - NWT Power Corp 0.50
1513 Feed Plant, Landmark - Maple Leaf Agri-Farms Inc. 0.50
1513 Québec - CANAM Ponts Canada inc. 0.50
1513 Windsor Essex Cogeneration Plant - TransAlta Cogeneration L.P. 0.50
1513 PERTH - 3M Canada Company 0.50
1513 St. Clair River Site - Modified Polymers - Dow Chemical Canada ULC 0.50
1513 CORNWALL SITE - BASF Canada Inc. 0.50
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Rank Name Province City PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Micrometers
1504 Lafarge Canada, Inc., GVA Aggregates, Earle Creek Pit - Lafarge Canada Inc. - WEST British Columbia Egremont 0.51
1504 06-13-044-18 W4 Kelsey Gas Plant - Ember Resources Inc. Alberta Rosalind 0.51
1513 P & H Milling Group - Lethbridge - P & H Milling Group a Division of Parrish & Heimbecker Limited Alberta Lethbridge 0.50
1513 Fort Smith Plant - NWT Power Corp The Northwest Territories Fort Smith 0.50
1513 Feed Plant, Landmark - Maple Leaf Agri-Farms Inc. Manitoba Landmark 0.50
1513 Québec - CANAM Ponts Canada inc. Quebec Québec 0.50
1513 Windsor Essex Cogeneration Plant - TransAlta Cogeneration L.P. Ontario Windsor 0.50
1513 PERTH - 3M Canada Company Ontario Perth 0.50
1513 St. Clair River Site - Modified Polymers - Dow Chemical Canada ULC Ontario Corunna 0.50
1513 CORNWALL SITE - BASF Canada Inc. Ontario Cornwall 0.50
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