Industry Rankings


Rank Name PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Micrometers
521 Fonderie Laperle - Canada Pipe Co ltd 5.43
521 Bancroft Treating - Lebel Cambium Inc. - Bancroft 5.43
523 Neptune Oil Battery 05-31 - Surge Energy Inc. 5.42
524 Acton Quarry - Dufferin Aggregates, a Division of CRH Canada Group Inc. 5.41
524 Usine de cogénération de Chapais - Chapais Energie 5.41
526 Alberta Plywood, a division of West Fraser Mills Ltd. - West Fraser Mills Ltd. 5.40
527 ADM AGRI-INDUSTRIES - ADM Milling Co. - Winnipeg - ADM Agri-Industries Company 5.39
528 Chemtrade - Fort Saskatchewan CSC - Chemtrade Logistics Inc. 5.38
529 Mount Polley Mine - Imperial Metals Corporation 5.37
530 Walker Environmental Group Inc. Landfill Sites - Walker Environmental Group Inc. - Landfill Sites 5.36
... ...
Rank Name Province City PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Micrometers
521 Fonderie Laperle - Canada Pipe Co ltd Quebec Saint-Ours 5.43
521 Bancroft Treating - Lebel Cambium Inc. - Bancroft Ontario Bancroft 5.43
523 Neptune Oil Battery 05-31 - Surge Energy Inc. Saskatchewan Lake Alma 5.42
524 Acton Quarry - Dufferin Aggregates, a Division of CRH Canada Group Inc. Ontario Acton 5.41
524 Usine de cogénération de Chapais - Chapais Energie Quebec Chapais 5.41
526 Alberta Plywood, a division of West Fraser Mills Ltd. - West Fraser Mills Ltd. Alberta Edmonton 5.40
527 ADM AGRI-INDUSTRIES - ADM Milling Co. - Winnipeg - ADM Agri-Industries Company Manitoba Winnipeg 5.39
528 Chemtrade - Fort Saskatchewan CSC - Chemtrade Logistics Inc. Alberta Fort Saskatchewan 5.38
529 Mount Polley Mine - Imperial Metals Corporation British Columbia Likely 5.37
530 Walker Environmental Group Inc. Landfill Sites - Walker Environmental Group Inc. - Landfill Sites Ontario Niagara Falls 5.36
... ...

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