Industry Rankings


Rank Name PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Micrometers
861 Usine Dubuc - Rio Tinto Alcan Inc 2.06
861 Paulatuk Plant - NWT Power Corp 2.06
861 Elswick Oil Battery 11-04-005-12W2 - Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2.06
864 Caledon AGG Site - Lafarge Canada Inc. - EAST 2.05
864 Hanson St-Eustache - Forterra Pipe & Precast Ltd. 2.05
864 Innes Oil Battery 15-25-007-11W2 - Canadian Natural Resources Limited 2.05
867 Aberfoyle Pit 1 - Dufferin Aggregates, a Division of CRH Canada Group Inc. 2.03
867 Hardisty Terminal - Enbridge Pipelines Inc. 2.03
867 Spyhill Gravel Pit - THE CITY OF CALGARY 2.03
870 Oak Park - Sika Canada Inc. 2.02
... ...
Rank Name Province City PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Micrometers
861 Usine Dubuc - Rio Tinto Alcan Inc Quebec Saguenay 2.06
861 Paulatuk Plant - NWT Power Corp The Northwest Territories Paulatuk 2.06
861 Elswick Oil Battery 11-04-005-12W2 - Canadian Natural Resources Limited Saskatchewan Goodwater 2.06
864 Caledon AGG Site - Lafarge Canada Inc. - EAST Ontario Caledon 2.05
864 Hanson St-Eustache - Forterra Pipe & Precast Ltd. Quebec St. Eustache 2.05
864 Innes Oil Battery 15-25-007-11W2 - Canadian Natural Resources Limited Saskatchewan Innes 2.05
867 Aberfoyle Pit 1 - Dufferin Aggregates, a Division of CRH Canada Group Inc. Ontario Guelph 2.03
867 Hardisty Terminal - Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Alberta Hardisty 2.03
867 Spyhill Gravel Pit - THE CITY OF CALGARY Alberta Calgary 2.03
870 Oak Park - Sika Canada Inc. Ontario Brantford 2.02
... ...

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