Industry Rankings


Rank Name PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Micrometers
971 Ottawa - Royal Canadian Mint 1.62
972 Portage La Prairie - Richardson Milling Ltd. 1.61
973 Moodie Drive Quarry - R.W. TOMLINSON LIMITED 1.60
973 Midale 09-33-005-10W2 MWB - Whitecap Resources Inc. 1.60
975 Edmonton Terminal - Trans Mountain Canada Inc. 1.59
975 Drayton Valley Sawmill - Weyerhaeuser Company Limited 1.59
975 Usine Kénogami - Produits forestiers Résolu 1.59
975 ABBT8870130 (Swan Hills Oil Battery 11-18-067-10W5) - Canadian Natural Resources Limited 1.59
979 Simonette Compressor Station 11-06-063-25W5 - i3 Energy Canada Ltd. 1.58
979 SKBTB4M3633 - Vermilion Energy Inc. 1.58
... ...
Rank Name Province City PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Micrometers
971 Ottawa - Royal Canadian Mint Ontario Ottawa 1.62
972 Portage La Prairie - Richardson Milling Ltd. Manitoba Portage La Prairie 1.61
973 Moodie Drive Quarry - R.W. TOMLINSON LIMITED Ontario Ottawa 1.60
973 Midale 09-33-005-10W2 MWB - Whitecap Resources Inc. Saskatchewan Midale 1.60
975 Edmonton Terminal - Trans Mountain Canada Inc. Alberta Sherwood Park 1.59
975 Drayton Valley Sawmill - Weyerhaeuser Company Limited Alberta Drayton Valley 1.59
975 Usine Kénogami - Produits forestiers Résolu Quebec Saguenay 1.59
975 ABBT8870130 (Swan Hills Oil Battery 11-18-067-10W5) - Canadian Natural Resources Limited Alberta Swan Hills 1.59
979 Simonette Compressor Station 11-06-063-25W5 - i3 Energy Canada Ltd. Alberta Simonette 1.58
979 SKBTB4M3633 - Vermilion Energy Inc. Saskatchewan Corning 1.58
... ...

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