Port Dalhousie Wastewater Treatment Plant - Regional Municipality of Niagara
St. Catharines
Port Darlington WPCP - Regional Municipality of Durham
Port Granby Waste Management Facility - Canadian Nuclear Laboratories
Port Hardy Terminal - Parkland Refining (B.C.) Ltd.
British Columbia
Port Hardy
Port Hawkesbury Biomass Cogeneration Power Plant - Nova Scotia Power Incorporated
Nova Scotia
Point Tupper
Port Hawkesbury Paper - Port Hawkesbury Paper LP
Nova Scotia
Port Hawkesbury
Port Hope Conversion Facility - Cameco Corporation
Port Hope
Port Hope Simpson Diesel Generating Station - Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
Newfoundland and Labrador
Port Hope
Port Hope Waste Managament Facility - Canadian Nuclear Laboratories
Port Hope
Port of Montreal Viterra - Viterra Inc.
Pollution sources near you
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Our air quality analysis station will allow you to know the quality of the air you and your family breathe in real time. You will also produce open scientific data for scientists and society to use, helping us fight for our right to clean air. Made in Québec!