Industries List

Name Province City
Wrigley Plant - NWT Power Corp The Northwest Territories Wrigley
Wrigley Station - Enbridge Pipelines Inc. The Northwest Territories Wrigley
Wroe 8-12 - Tourmaline Oil Corp Alberta Calgary
WSS -Wescast Stainless Stratford - Wescast Industries Inc. Ontario Stratford
Wulftec International - Wulftec International Inc. Quebec Ayer's Cliff
Wuskwatim Generating Station - Manitoba Hydro Manitoba Wuskwatim
WynnWood - Canadian Forest Products Ltd British Columbia Wynndel
Wynyard - Compass Minerals Wynyard Inc. Saskatchewan Wynyard
Wyoming Feed - New-Life Mills, a division of Parrish & Heimbecker Limited Ontario Wyoming
XL Plating and Machining Inc - XL Plating and Machining Inc. New Brunswick Fredericton
... ...

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