History of Air Pollution

Air pollution is a scourge that has accompanied humanity's history since its earliest technological advances. Since the invention of fire, humans have begun to alter the planet's atmosphere. Early civilizations, such as those of Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt, were already burning wood and other materials for heating, cooking, and metallurgical processes.
Although these activities had a relatively limited impact on the global environment, they laid the groundwork for an increasingly destructive relationship between humans and their environment.

With the advent of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, the scale and intensity of air pollution experienced an unprecedented increase. The massive use of coal as an energy source to power machinery, factories, and transportation led to a significant deterioration in air quality...

In the face of this persistent challenge, innovation and international cooperation are crucial for forging a cleaner future. Global agreements such as the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement represent a collective commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change...