Air Quality Analysis Stations

Name Province City
Crofton Elementary (FRM) British Columbia Duncan
Crofton Substation (FRM) British Columbia Crofton
CSF-7518918 Quebec Québec
CSF-7525931 Quebec Québec
Custer-Loomis (So-Aqs) (FRM) Washington Custer
Cut Bank (FRM) Montana Cut Bank
Darrington-Fir St (FRM) Washington Darrington
Dearborn (FRM) Michigan Dearborn
Deschambault-Grondines (FRM) Quebec Deschambault
Detroit E 7 Mile (FRM) Michigan Detroit
... ...

Educational Bubble
About Air Quality Analysis Stations

Citizen stations are often hosted by engaged citizens who want to document the evolution of air pollution in their living environment. These affordable stations are good for assessing trends but are less precise than official stations.

Official air quality analysis stations are managed by state experts. They are evaluated and calibrated periodically. Additionally, the air entering the analyzer is often kept at a constant relative humidity and temperature throughout the year.

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Pollution sources near you

Participate in our citizen science project by adding sources of air pollution near you. This project will allow us to create an accurate map and provide you with more precise analyses of air pollution issues. Thank you for your participation!

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Would you like to measure pollutants emitted by the nearby industries?

Our air quality analysis station will allow you to know the quality of the air you and your family breathe in real time. You will also produce open scientific data for scientists and society to use, helping us fight for our right to clean air. Made in Québec!

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