Clasificación de empresas


Rango Nombre PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Micrometers
1068 Lantic Inc. - Raffinerie Montréal - Lantic Inc. - Raffinerie Montréal 1.31
1072 South Swan Hills - Conifer Energy Inc. 1.30
1072 St George Campus - The Governing Council of the University of Toronto 1.30
1072 Carseland Operation - Stella-Jones Inc 1.30
1075 Bone Creek 10-27-010-19W2 BTY - Whitecap Resources Inc. 1.29
1075 New Forest Paper Mills LP - New Forest Paper Mills LP 1.29
1075 Permolex Ltd. - Permolex Ltd. 1.29
1078 WINTER 04-04 - Strathcona Resources Ltd. 1.28
1078 Redland Sweet Gas Plant (01-20) - Lynx Energy ULC 1.28
1078 Cintas Toronto East - Cintas Canada Limited 1.28
... ...
Rango Nombre Provincia Ciudad PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Micrometers
1068 Lantic Inc. - Raffinerie Montréal - Lantic Inc. - Raffinerie Montréal Quebec Montréal 1.31
1072 South Swan Hills - Conifer Energy Inc. Alberta Swan Hills 1.30
1072 St George Campus - The Governing Council of the University of Toronto Ontario Toronto 1.30
1072 Carseland Operation - Stella-Jones Inc Alberta Carseland 1.30
1075 Bone Creek 10-27-010-19W2 BTY - Whitecap Resources Inc. Saskatchewan Shaunavon 1.29
1075 New Forest Paper Mills LP - New Forest Paper Mills LP Ontario Scarborough 1.29
1075 Permolex Ltd. - Permolex Ltd. Alberta Red Deer 1.29
1078 WINTER 04-04 - Strathcona Resources Ltd. Saskatchewan WINTER 1.28
1078 Redland Sweet Gas Plant (01-20) - Lynx Energy ULC Alberta Gatine 1.28
1078 Cintas Toronto East - Cintas Canada Limited Ontario Scarborough 1.28
... ...

Fuentes de contaminación cercanas a usted

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