Clasificación de empresas


Rango Nombre PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Micrometers
1355 Nahanni Butte Plant - NWT Power Corp 0.69
1355 Hanlan Robb Gas Plant - Canlin Energy Corporation 0.69
1355 Teepee Oil Battery 14-21-072-03W6 - Canadian Natural Resources Limited 0.69
1364 PSEC Leafland 13-16-40-5W5 - Inplay Oil Corp. 0.68
1364 Wild Hay Gas Battery 13-24-055-25W5 - Canadian Natural Resources Limited 0.68
1364 Ayr - FS Partners, a division of Growmark 0.68
1364 Makkovik Diesel Generating Station - Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro 0.68
1364 Acadia Crushed Stone - MODERN CONSTRUCTION (1983) 0.68
1364 Ferrier Sweet Gas Plant 01-34-040-09W5 - Canadian Natural Resources Limited 0.68
1364 Services de Transformation Bécancour Inc. - Services de Transformation Bécancour Inc 0.68
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Rango Nombre Provincia Ciudad PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Micrometers
1355 Nahanni Butte Plant - NWT Power Corp Los Territorios del Noroeste Nahanni Butte 0.69
1355 Hanlan Robb Gas Plant - Canlin Energy Corporation Alberta Edson 0.69
1355 Teepee Oil Battery 14-21-072-03W6 - Canadian Natural Resources Limited Alberta Teepee Creek 0.69
1364 PSEC Leafland 13-16-40-5W5 - Inplay Oil Corp. Alberta Clearwater 0.68
1364 Wild Hay Gas Battery 13-24-055-25W5 - Canadian Natural Resources Limited Alberta Brûlé 0.68
1364 Ayr - FS Partners, a division of Growmark Ontario Ayr 0.68
1364 Makkovik Diesel Generating Station - Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro Terranova y Labrador Makkovik 0.68
1364 Acadia Crushed Stone - MODERN CONSTRUCTION (1983) Nuevo Brunswick Memramcook 0.68
1364 Ferrier Sweet Gas Plant 01-34-040-09W5 - Canadian Natural Resources Limited Alberta Horburg 0.68
1364 Services de Transformation Bécancour Inc. - Services de Transformation Bécancour Inc Quebec Bécancour 0.68
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Fuentes de contaminación cercanas a usted

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