Clasificación de empresas


Rango Nombre PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Micrometers
1784 La Mine Niobec - Magris Ressources 0.29
1792 Long Coulee 08-04-016-22 W4M - Surge Energy Inc. 0.28
1792 Gunnell Comp Stn b-023-F - NTE Energy Canada Ltd 0.28
1792 Sullivan Lake Facility - Battle River Energy Ltd 0.28
1792 Wyoming Feed - New-Life Mills, a division of Parrish & Heimbecker Limited 0.28
1792 St. Laurent RMC Plant - Lafarge Canada Inc. - EAST 0.28
1792 Port Hope Simpson Diesel Generating Station - Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro 0.28
1792 Nugget Pond Facility - Rambler Metals & Mining L 0.28
1792 Mitchell Facility - The Andersons 0.28
1792 same - GKN Sinter Metals - St Thomas Ltd. 0.28
... ...
Rango Nombre Provincia Ciudad PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Micrometers
1784 La Mine Niobec - Magris Ressources Quebec Saint-Honoré 0.29
1792 Long Coulee 08-04-016-22 W4M - Surge Energy Inc. Alberta Champion 0.28
1792 Gunnell Comp Stn b-023-F - NTE Energy Canada Ltd Columbia Británica Fort Nelson 0.28
1792 Sullivan Lake Facility - Battle River Energy Ltd Alberta Brownfield 0.28
1792 Wyoming Feed - New-Life Mills, a division of Parrish & Heimbecker Limited Ontario Wyoming 0.28
1792 St. Laurent RMC Plant - Lafarge Canada Inc. - EAST Quebec Saint-Laurent 0.28
1792 Port Hope Simpson Diesel Generating Station - Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro Terranova y Labrador Port Hope 0.28
1792 Nugget Pond Facility - Rambler Metals & Mining L Terranova y Labrador snooks arm 0.28
1792 Mitchell Facility - The Andersons Ontario Mitchell 0.28
1792 same - GKN Sinter Metals - St Thomas Ltd. Ontario St. Thomas 0.28
... ...

Fuentes de contaminación cercanas a usted

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