Clasificación de empresas


Rango Nombre PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Micrometers
501 Clarabelle Mill - Vale Canada Limited 5.69
502 Elko Sawmill - Canadian Forest Products Ltd 5.67
503 Texada Quarrying Ltd., Texada Quarry - Lafarge Canada Inc. - WEST 5.64
504 Hinton Wood Products, a division of West Fraser Mills Ltd. - West Fraser Mills Ltd. 5.61
505 FLORENCEVILLE, NEW BRUNSWICK - McCain Foods Canada Ltd. 5.60
506 McClean Lake Operations - Orano Canada Inc. 5.59
507 Sheerness Generating Station - Alberta Power 2000 Ltd. 5.58
507 Prince George Refinery - Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd. 5.58
509 Taber Plant - Lamb Weston Canada ULC 5.55
510 SKBTB2L2204 - Baytex Energy Ltd 5.52
... ...
Rango Nombre Provincia Ciudad PM2.5 - Particulate Matter <= 2.5 Micrometers
501 Clarabelle Mill - Vale Canada Limited Ontario Copper Cliff 5.69
502 Elko Sawmill - Canadian Forest Products Ltd Columbia Británica Elko 5.67
503 Texada Quarrying Ltd., Texada Quarry - Lafarge Canada Inc. - WEST Columbia Británica Van Anda 5.64
504 Hinton Wood Products, a division of West Fraser Mills Ltd. - West Fraser Mills Ltd. Alberta Hinton 5.61
505 FLORENCEVILLE, NEW BRUNSWICK - McCain Foods Canada Ltd. Nuevo Brunswick Florenceville-Bristol 5.60
506 McClean Lake Operations - Orano Canada Inc. Saskatchewan Saskatoon 5.59
507 Sheerness Generating Station - Alberta Power 2000 Ltd. Alberta Hanna 5.58
507 Prince George Refinery - Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd. Columbia Británica Prince George 5.58
509 Taber Plant - Lamb Weston Canada ULC Alberta Taber 5.55
510 SKBTB2L2204 - Baytex Energy Ltd Saskatchewan Coleville 5.52
... ...

Fuentes de contaminación cercanas a usted

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