Clasificación de empresas


Rango Nombre Greenhouse gases (GHGs in eCO2)
1 Sundance Thermal Electric Power Generating Plant - TransAlta Generation Partnership 16389316.83
2 Syncrude Canada Ltd - Syncrude Canada Ltd. 13029755.04
3 Genesee Thermal Generating Station - Capital Power Generation Services Inc. 10044259.10
4 Keephills Thermal Electric Power Generating Plant - TransAlta Generation Partnership 9431797.73
5 Suncor Energy Inc. Oil Sands - Suncor Energy Oil Sands Limited Partnership 9326247.50
6 Boundary Dam Power Station - Saskatchewan Power Corporation 7319919.50
7 Sheerness Generating Station - Alberta Power 2000 Ltd. 6219531.21
8 Cold Lake - Imperial Oil Resources Limited 5771388.33
9 Horizon Oil Sands Processing Plant and Mine - Canadian Natural Resources Limited 5668508.78
10 Firebag - Suncor Energy Oil Sands Limited Partnership 5582564.51
Rango Nombre Provincia Ciudad Greenhouse gases (GHGs in eCO2)
1 Sundance Thermal Electric Power Generating Plant - TransAlta Generation Partnership Alberta Duffield 16389316.83
2 Syncrude Canada Ltd - Syncrude Canada Ltd. Alberta Fort McMurray 13029755.04
3 Genesee Thermal Generating Station - Capital Power Generation Services Inc. Alberta Warburg 10044259.10
4 Keephills Thermal Electric Power Generating Plant - TransAlta Generation Partnership Alberta Duffield 9431797.73
5 Suncor Energy Inc. Oil Sands - Suncor Energy Oil Sands Limited Partnership Alberta Fort McMurray 9326247.50
6 Boundary Dam Power Station - Saskatchewan Power Corporation Saskatchewan Estevan 7319919.50
7 Sheerness Generating Station - Alberta Power 2000 Ltd. Alberta Hanna 6219531.21
8 Cold Lake - Imperial Oil Resources Limited Alberta Grande Centre 5771388.33
9 Horizon Oil Sands Processing Plant and Mine - Canadian Natural Resources Limited Alberta Fort McMurray 5668508.78
10 Firebag - Suncor Energy Oil Sands Limited Partnership Alberta Ft. McMurray 5582564.51

Fuentes de contaminación cercanas a usted

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