Classement des entreprises


Rang Nom PM2,5 - Matière particulaire <= 2,5 micromètres
2048 Morningside Gas Battery 08-09-042-28W4 - Canadian Natural Resources Limited 0.07
2048 Stoddart Comp Stn 11-30 - Canadian Natural Resources Limited 0.07
2048 Victoria Park Transfer Station - City of Toronto 0.07
2048 Cliff Central Heating and Cooling Plant - Public Works and Government Services Canada 0.07
2048 Montreal Wallboard/Finishing Plant - CertainTeed Canada, Inc. 0.07
2048 Vanderwell Contractors (1971) Ltd. - Vanderwell Contractors (1971) Ltd. 0.07
2048 Camp Hill Site Central Heating Plant - Capital Health 0.07
2048 METALEX PRODUCTS - RICHMOND - Metalex Products Ltd. 0.07
2048 Youngstown Compressor Station 16-14-031-10W4 - Baytex Energy Ltd 0.07
2048 Peyto Kakwa 02-11-060-04W6 - Peyto Exploration and Development Corporation 0.07
... ...
Rang Nom Province Ville PM2,5 - Matière particulaire <= 2,5 micromètres
2048 Morningside Gas Battery 08-09-042-28W4 - Canadian Natural Resources Limited Alberta Parkland Beach 0.07
2048 Stoddart Comp Stn 11-30 - Canadian Natural Resources Limited Colombie-Britannique Montney 0.07
2048 Victoria Park Transfer Station - City of Toronto Ontario North York 0.07
2048 Cliff Central Heating and Cooling Plant - Public Works and Government Services Canada Ontario Ottawa 0.07
2048 Montreal Wallboard/Finishing Plant - CertainTeed Canada, Inc. Québec Sainte-Catherine 0.07
2048 Vanderwell Contractors (1971) Ltd. - Vanderwell Contractors (1971) Ltd. Alberta Slave Lake 0.07
2048 Camp Hill Site Central Heating Plant - Capital Health Nouvelle-Écosse Halifax 0.07
2048 METALEX PRODUCTS - RICHMOND - Metalex Products Ltd. Colombie-Britannique Richmond 0.07
2048 Youngstown Compressor Station 16-14-031-10W4 - Baytex Energy Ltd Alberta Youngstown 0.07
2048 Peyto Kakwa 02-11-060-04W6 - Peyto Exploration and Development Corporation Alberta Grande Cache 0.07
... ...

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