Classement des entreprises


Rang Nom PM2,5 - Matière particulaire <= 2,5 micromètres
31 Northwood Pulp Mill - Canfor Pulp Ltd. 244.86
32 Hinton Pulp, a division of West Fraser Mills Ltd. - West Fraser Mills Ltd. 232.37
33 Usine Laterrière - Rio Tinto Alcan Inc 230.80
34 Irving Oil Refinery - Irving Oil Limited 225.10
35 Detour Lake Project - Kirkland Lake Gold Inc 222.24
36 Wabush Mines - Scully - Tacora Resources Inc. 216.79
37 Espanola Mill - Domtar Inc. 215.69
38 Howe Sound Pulp and Paper Mill - Howe Sound Pulp & Paper Corporation 213.64
39 Canadian Natural Upgrading Limited Muskeg River Mine and Jackpine Mine - Canadian Natural Upgrading Ltd 212.60
40 ArcelorMittal Contrecoeur Est - ArcelorMittal Produits Longs Canada s.e.n.c 210.05
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Rang Nom Province Ville PM2,5 - Matière particulaire <= 2,5 micromètres
31 Northwood Pulp Mill - Canfor Pulp Ltd. Colombie-Britannique Prince George 244.86
32 Hinton Pulp, a division of West Fraser Mills Ltd. - West Fraser Mills Ltd. Alberta Hinton 232.37
33 Usine Laterrière - Rio Tinto Alcan Inc Québec Laterrière 230.80
34 Irving Oil Refinery - Irving Oil Limited Nouveau-Brunswick Saint John 225.10
35 Detour Lake Project - Kirkland Lake Gold Inc Ontario Cochrane 222.24
36 Wabush Mines - Scully - Tacora Resources Inc. Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador Wabush 216.79
37 Espanola Mill - Domtar Inc. Ontario Espanola 215.69
38 Howe Sound Pulp and Paper Mill - Howe Sound Pulp & Paper Corporation Colombie-Britannique Port Mellon 213.64
39 Canadian Natural Upgrading Limited Muskeg River Mine and Jackpine Mine - Canadian Natural Upgrading Ltd Alberta Fort McMurray 212.60
40 ArcelorMittal Contrecoeur Est - ArcelorMittal Produits Longs Canada s.e.n.c Québec Contrecoeur 210.05
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