Classement des entreprises


Rang Nom PM2,5 - Matière particulaire <= 2,5 micromètres
651 Winoa Canada Inc. - Winoa Canada Inc. 3.78
651 Division Amos - Matériaux Blanchet Inc. 3.78
651 CHIPPAWA - Saint-Gobain Corporation 3.78
654 Carrière Klock - Lafarge Canada Inc. - EAST 3.76
654 Ranger Board, a division of West Fraser Mills Ltd. - West Fraser Mills Ltd. 3.76
654 Carrot Creek Sweet Gas Plant 10-16-053-13W5 - Vermilion Energy Inc. 3.76
657 Brampton - Triple M Metal LP 3.74
657 Division St-Pamphile - Matériaux Blanchet Inc. 3.74
659 Irving Paper - Irving Paper Limited 3.73
660 Johnstown - Greenfield Global Inc. 3.71
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Rang Nom Province Ville PM2,5 - Matière particulaire <= 2,5 micromètres
651 Winoa Canada Inc. - Winoa Canada Inc. Ontario Welland 3.78
651 Division Amos - Matériaux Blanchet Inc. Québec Amos 3.78
651 CHIPPAWA - Saint-Gobain Corporation Ontario Niagara Falls 3.78
654 Carrière Klock - Lafarge Canada Inc. - EAST Québec Aylmer 3.76
654 Ranger Board, a division of West Fraser Mills Ltd. - West Fraser Mills Ltd. Alberta Blue Ridge 3.76
654 Carrot Creek Sweet Gas Plant 10-16-053-13W5 - Vermilion Energy Inc. Alberta Carrot Creek 3.76
657 Brampton - Triple M Metal LP Ontario Brampton 3.74
657 Division St-Pamphile - Matériaux Blanchet Inc. Québec Saint-Pamphile 3.74
659 Irving Paper - Irving Paper Limited Nouveau-Brunswick Saint John 3.73
660 Johnstown - Greenfield Global Inc. Ontario Johnstown 3.71
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