Classement des entreprises


Rang Nom PM2,5 - Matière particulaire <= 2,5 micromètres
799 Queen Elizabeth Power Station - Saskatchewan Power Corporation 2.45
802 Pacific Elevators Limited Viterra - Viterra Inc. 2.44
803 Pinnacle Provost 7-1 - Surge Energy Inc. 2.43
804 Jackfish Plant - NWT Power Corp 2.42
805 Gimli Plant - Diageo Canada Inc. 2.41
805 Olds Gas Plant - Whitecap Resources Inc. 2.41
807 West Gull Lake 10-28-013-19W3 BTY - Whitecap Resources Inc. 2.40
807 Ah-Sin-Heek Diesel Generating Station - British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority 2.40
807 Rollstamp - 141 Staffern Dr. - Magna Exteriors Inc. 2.40
810 Alberta Plywood, Slave Lake Veneer - Alberta Plywood Ltd. 2.39
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Rang Nom Province Ville PM2,5 - Matière particulaire <= 2,5 micromètres
799 Queen Elizabeth Power Station - Saskatchewan Power Corporation Saskatchewan Saskatoon 2.45
802 Pacific Elevators Limited Viterra - Viterra Inc. Colombie-Britannique Vancouver 2.44
803 Pinnacle Provost 7-1 - Surge Energy Inc. Alberta Provost 2.43
804 Jackfish Plant - NWT Power Corp Territoires du Nord-Ouest Yellowknife 2.42
805 Gimli Plant - Diageo Canada Inc. Manitoba Gimli 2.41
805 Olds Gas Plant - Whitecap Resources Inc. Alberta Olds 2.41
807 West Gull Lake 10-28-013-19W3 BTY - Whitecap Resources Inc. Saskatchewan Gull Lake 2.40
807 Ah-Sin-Heek Diesel Generating Station - British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority Colombie-Britannique Bella Coola 2.40
807 Rollstamp - 141 Staffern Dr. - Magna Exteriors Inc. Ontario Vaughan 2.40
810 Alberta Plywood, Slave Lake Veneer - Alberta Plywood Ltd. Alberta Slave Lake 2.39
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