Classement des entreprises


Rang Nom PM2,5 - Matière particulaire <= 2,5 micromètres
1 Cavendish Farms - Cavendish Farms Corporation 1.11
2 Charlottetown Pollution Control Plant - City of Charlottetown 0.53
3 Charlottetown Thermal Generating Station - Maritime Electric 0.04
Rang Nom Province Ville PM2,5 - Matière particulaire <= 2,5 micromètres
1 Cavendish Farms - Cavendish Farms Corporation Île-du-Prince-Édouard New Annan 1.11
2 Charlottetown Pollution Control Plant - City of Charlottetown Île-du-Prince-Édouard Charlottetown 0.53
3 Charlottetown Thermal Generating Station - Maritime Electric Île-du-Prince-Édouard Charlottetown 0.04