Classement des entreprises
Rang | Nom | PM2,5 - Matière particulaire <= 2,5 micromètres |
1891 | Brantford Plant - Lehigh Hanson Materials Limited | 0.19 |
1891 | USINE DE FABRICATION D'ASPHALTE - Les Entreprises P.E.B. Ltée. | 0.19 |
1891 | Hamburg Compressor Station 10-07-099-08W6 - Canadian Natural Resources Limited | 0.19 |
1904 | Markerville Compressor Station #1 - HARVEST OPERATIONS CORP. | 0.18 |
1904 | Killam North Sweet Gas Plant 04-05 (ABGP0001419) - Axiom Oil and Gas Inc. | 0.18 |
1904 | Head Office / Main Plant - Doepker Industries Ltd. | 0.18 |
1904 | Elleh Sweet Gas Plant - NTE Energy Canada Ltd | 0.18 |
1904 | Gilby Comp Station 06-25 - i3 Energy Canada Ltd. | 0.18 |
1910 | Boundary Lake North 06-29-087-14W6 - Enercapita Energy Ltd. | 0.17 |
Rang | Nom | Province | Ville | PM2,5 - Matière particulaire <= 2,5 micromètres | |
1891 | Brantford Plant - Lehigh Hanson Materials Limited | Ontario | Brantford | 0.19 | |
1891 | USINE DE FABRICATION D'ASPHALTE - Les Entreprises P.E.B. Ltée. | Québec | Québec | 0.19 | |
1891 | Hamburg Compressor Station 10-07-099-08W6 - Canadian Natural Resources Limited | Alberta | Keg River | 0.19 | |
1904 | RAM CS 14-16 - PIERIDAE ALBERTA PRODUCTION LTD. | Alberta | Caroline | 0.18 | |
1904 | Markerville Compressor Station #1 - HARVEST OPERATIONS CORP. | Alberta | Dickson | 0.18 | |
1904 | Killam North Sweet Gas Plant 04-05 (ABGP0001419) - Axiom Oil and Gas Inc. | Alberta | Sedgewick | 0.18 | |
1904 | Head Office / Main Plant - Doepker Industries Ltd. | Saskatchewan | Annaheim | 0.18 | |
1904 | Elleh Sweet Gas Plant - NTE Energy Canada Ltd | Colombie-Britannique | Fort Nelson | 0.18 | |
1904 | Gilby Comp Station 06-25 - i3 Energy Canada Ltd. | Alberta | Leedale | 0.18 | |
1910 | Boundary Lake North 06-29-087-14W6 - Enercapita Energy Ltd. | Colombie-Britannique | Altona | 0.17 |