Classement des entreprises


Rang Nom PM2,5 - Matière particulaire <= 2,5 micromètres
1910 Bantry North Sour Gas Plant 01-08-020-13W4 - Torxen Energy Ltd. 0.17
1910 Homeglen Rimbey Comp Station 11-18 - i3 Energy Canada Ltd. 0.17
1910 Janvier Chard Gas Battery 16-01-079-06W4 - Canadian Natural Resources Limited 0.17
1910 Marten Hills Compressor Station 06-19-075-01W5 - Canadian Natural Resources Limited 0.17
1910 Enchant Oil Battery 09-21-013-15W4 - Canadian Natural Resources Limited 0.17
1910 AltaGas Services 13-31-045-13W4M (ABCS0022912) - Axiom Oil and Gas Inc. 0.17
1910 Plain Lake Gas Battery 15-36 - Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd. 0.17
1910 Scarborough Transfer Station - City of Toronto 0.17
1910 Ashton Plant - Lehigh Hanson Materials Limited 0.17
1910 Booster Station 3 - Kobes Creek - NorthRiver Midstream Inc. 0.17
... ...
Rang Nom Province Ville PM2,5 - Matière particulaire <= 2,5 micromètres
1910 Bantry North Sour Gas Plant 01-08-020-13W4 - Torxen Energy Ltd. Alberta Millicent 0.17
1910 Homeglen Rimbey Comp Station 11-18 - i3 Energy Canada Ltd. Alberta Rimbey 0.17
1910 Janvier Chard Gas Battery 16-01-079-06W4 - Canadian Natural Resources Limited Alberta Chard 0.17
1910 Marten Hills Compressor Station 06-19-075-01W5 - Canadian Natural Resources Limited Alberta Smith 0.17
1910 Enchant Oil Battery 09-21-013-15W4 - Canadian Natural Resources Limited Alberta Grantham 0.17
1910 AltaGas Services 13-31-045-13W4M (ABCS0022912) - Axiom Oil and Gas Inc. Alberta Bonlea 0.17
1910 Plain Lake Gas Battery 15-36 - Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd. Alberta Lavoy 0.17
1910 Scarborough Transfer Station - City of Toronto Ontario Scarborough 0.17
1910 Ashton Plant - Lehigh Hanson Materials Limited Ontario Ashton 0.17
1910 Booster Station 3 - Kobes Creek - NorthRiver Midstream Inc. Colombie-Britannique Peace River District 0.17
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